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Baby Spinach & Goat's Cheese Salad with Rasberry Vinaigrette

12:24 PM Dalia 0 Comments Category : , , ,

I hate skimpy little salads.. In Paris you enjoy the best salads at bistros all over the city.. So when I have a salad (unless it's a side dish), it better be a mama of a salad! Back in the day, my closie Racil & I looked for the perfect goat's cheese salad.. When we couldn't find one, we made up our own "Galva Salad" and put in on the menu of our cafe.. I kept trying different dressings, combinations and my Galva and I would try the salads over & over again until we found the perfect one! It's a favorite at the cafe and we've been serving it for the past 4 years now.. This is another beautiful version of a yummy, sweet and salty salad, and also a little dedication to my Galva, my partner in life.. xxxxx

Serves 2 persons

  • 1 pack of Baby spinach (as much as you'd like to serve per person really)
  • 180g best quality goat cheese 
  • 1 pear (optional)
  • a handful of crushed pecans
  • 2 tsp of honey
  • 2 tsp raspberry marmalade
  • 2 TBL Dijon mustard
  • 2 TBL apple cider vinegar
  • 6 TBL nut oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 200C.. Poach the pear in boiling water for about 30 minutes then cut it into chunks.. Cut the cheese in two pieces and drizzle a little honey and crushed pecans on them.. Place them in an oven safe dish and bake for about 7-8 minutes..

In the meantime make your dressing.. Combine the vinegar, mustard and oil.. Add the marmalade, blend everything together and season to taste.. Toss it with your spinach, remove the goat cheese from the oven, add the chunks of pears and place it on the salad.. Drizzle with a little more dressing, et bon appétit!