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A New Life & Dainty Yoghurt Crumble Muffins

11:31 AM Dalia 0 Comments Category : , , ,

I seem to always have a reason why I haven’t posted a recent recipe these days or updated the blog. But I do not think there could be a better reason for my silence than this :)

Last Saturday the familia and I had lunch at one of our regular spots, and somehow, Phiras, my niece and I got food poisoned. So last week, the food bug got the best of me. It would not have been such an issue, had it not prompted me to give birth to my little munchkin earlier than expected. 

I just returned home from City Hospital, and finally had my beautiful daughter, Joanna, on Monday May 6th. Hamdellah.

She is such a cutie, so tiny… I actually forgot how small newborns were. She is significantly smaller than her brother was when he was born, which makes me that much more protective over her.

Baby Joujou, as we call her, carries my sister's name. Since we were little girls we had made a promise to each other that if we ever had daughters one day, we would name them after one another. Joujou, my sister did call her daughter Dalia, and so now I did the same. The name has so much meaning to me, as my sister truly is my other half. I hope one day, my little Joujou can be just like her auntie, a strong, independent and beautiful woman who can take on the world, no matter what comes her way. InshAllah always.

It’s a funny feeling being a mommy for the second time. Phares is my life, and for some kind of reason I thought I would take a little time to get close to baby Joujou. But in an instant, I had this overwhelming connection. It’s not due to the love I felt that moment, but more because I already know what crazy love is coming my way. This little bundle of joy will be my entire life. No matter how cheesy this sounds, but I cannot help but say that the love you feel for your child is such a beautiful, intense and ever growing addiction.

Yes, I am obviously extremely emotional and utterly in love with my new baby girl, what can I say. But it seems Phiras has fallen even harder than me, he is already head over heels for his little lady. Just look at the snapshot of them hours after she was born.

May God bless you inshAllah. My darlings Baby Joujou, big brother Phares and Daddy Phiras, I love you all so incredibly much.

To give this post some food blog value, I will leave you with the latest episode from my cooking web series. Divine Yoghurt Muffins (in Arabic but subtitled in English as always)

Much love,
D xx